sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

What do you think about the bullying?

I think is a terrible and big problem. The bullying has been around for a long time but  in this moment affect many young, and is necessary to stop . The childs suffers abuse by classmates, this problem affect your esteem. Nowadays there isn´t tolerance and  the  family there isn´t Communication. The people we live fast and forgot quality time with their children and causing low self-esteem, promoting the bullying. The school needs to provide a safe learning environment for children, but the behavioral actions of children are parents responsible and is necessary more awareness about the difference for humans and promote the values. Are you suffered bullying in childhood?

4 comentarios:

  1. Most of us have been bullied in one way or another. I was bullied all the time and I learned that it is very important to keep away from bullies, get support from friends and most of all, our teachers and family. We should also teach our kids to tell us if someone is abusing them in any way, and teach them that they must not let it happen and that they should always talk to adults about it. As adults we must take action immediately, trying to talk to the bully and their parents, and not to do it in front of all the school.
    I also was a bully at certain point, and I regret it.

  2. I think that bullying has always existed but was perhaps less aggressive before. because of the social networks has been promoted cyber bullyng and often parents ignore these situations in these cases the communication is very important to support the guys.

  3. I think the bulling is the result of a problem of behavior of the people, because that happens not only in childhood but in more than one stage in life. You could see this, even in college or professional work. Is more difficult, even impossible to change all the world, in this case is the abused child who must change.

    Why? Because if the person shows an attitude of self defense the problem stops right there. The bulling is the result of cowards against people without courage to avoid bullies.

  4. Yes of course I was bullied, BUT I`m still live..I agree with you and the others who have commented,the bullying has always existed but in the last years lost interest in teaching values ​​to children thereby causing this, I think is so necessary that we teach children to respect others starting from home.
